
Ressources pédagogiques

Les environnements de soins de santé dynamiques exigent que les professionnels de la santé se tiennent au courant des dernières procédures et technologies cliniques pour offrir une excellence clinique constante, une productivité et une expérience patient positive. Travaillant en étroite collaboration avec des cliniciens, des universités et des organisations à but non lucratif, nos ressources pédagogiques vous aident à développer vos connaissances. Consultez notre liste complète de ressources pédagogiques ci-dessous.

  • URO Therapy
  • Urology & Urogynecology
Introduction to Urodynamics for Urogynaecology Nurses

The third Introduction to Urodynamics course for Urogynaecology Nurses, offering an invaluable day of education and practical work, taking in place in London, UK.

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  • Urodynamics
  • Urology & Urogynecology
2-Day Advanced Urodynamics Course, Atlanta, GA, USA

Register now for our 2-Day Advanced Urodynamics Course in Atlanta, GA, USA.

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  • Urodynamics
  • Urology & Urogynecology
1-Day Interpretation of Urodynamics Course, Boston, MA, USA

Register now for our 1-Day Interpretation of Urodynamics Course in Boston, MA, USA.

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  • Apr 30
Introduction to Urodynamics for Urogynaecology Nurses

The third Introduction to Urodynamics course for Urogynaecology Nurses, offering an invaluable day of education and practical work, taking in place in London, UK.

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  • Mar 20
2-Day Advanced Urodynamics Course, Atlanta, GA, USA

Register now for our 2-Day Advanced Urodynamics Course in Atlanta, GA, USA.

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  • Feb 21
1-Day Interpretation of Urodynamics Course, Boston, MA, USA

Register now for our 1-Day Interpretation of Urodynamics Course in Boston, MA, USA.

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  • Obstetrics, Gynecology & Neonatology
ClearView Training for Health Care Professionals (Litmos)

This course includes the following modules: Introduction, Video Demonstration, Post Assessment and Frequently Asked Questions. You can download a certificate on completion.

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  • Obstetrics, Gynecology & Neonatology
BoogieBaby Training for Health Care Professionals (Litmos)

Please note this product is not available in all countries. This course includes the following modules: Introduction, Video Demonstration, Post Assessment and Frequently Asked Questions. You can download a certificate on completion.

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  • Obstetrics, Gynecology & Neonatology
SweetUms Training for Health Care Professionals (Litmos)

Please note this product is not available in all countries. This course includes the following modules: Introduction, Video Demonstration, Post Assessment and Frequently Asked Questions. You can download a certificate on completion.

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ClearView Training for Health Care Professionals (Litmos)

This course includes the following modules: Introduction, Video Demonstration, Post Assessment and Frequently Asked Questions. You can download a certificate on completion.

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BoogieBaby Training for Health Care Professionals (Litmos)

Please note this product is not available in all countries. This course includes the following modules: Introduction, Video Demonstration, Post Assessment and Frequently Asked Questions. You can download a certificate on completion.

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SweetUms Training for Health Care Professionals (Litmos)

Please note this product is not available in all countries. This course includes the following modules: Introduction, Video Demonstration, Post Assessment and Frequently Asked Questions. You can download a certificate on completion.

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  • Urodynamics
  • Urology & Urogynecology
Urodynamic Studies: Basic Interpretation and Approach

In this webinar, Key Opinion Leader, Dr. Dick Janssen, explains urodynamic investigations and curve interpretation.

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  • Anorectal Manometry
  • Gastroenterology
Cas Cliniques en Manométrie Anorectale – Protocole de Londres

Présentation et analyse d’examens de Manométrie Anorectale Haute Résolution (MAHR). Ce webinaire est interactif. Il permet aux utilisateurs du logiciel LABORIE HRAM de soumettre un cas pour une interprétation en ligne avec le Professeur Mion.

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  • Esophageal Manometry
  • Gastroenterology
Pediatric High-Resolution Esophageal Manometry (HRM)

Join us for this one-hour webinar where our knowledgeable Key Opinion Leader, Professor Ajay Kaul, will discuss anatomy and physiology of the esophagus, common indications for performing pediatric HRM studies, technique of performing pediatric HRM, and review normal and abnormal HRM tracings.

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  • Feb 18
Urodynamic Studies: Basic Interpretation and Approach

In this webinar, Key Opinion Leader, Dr. Dick Janssen, explains urodynamic investigations and curve interpretation.

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  • Feb 4
Cas Cliniques en Manométrie Anorectale – Protocole de Londres

Présentation et analyse d’examens de Manométrie Anorectale Haute Résolution (MAHR). Ce webinaire est interactif. Il permet aux utilisateurs du logiciel LABORIE HRAM de soumettre un cas pour une interprétation en ligne avec le Professeur Mion.

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Pediatric High-Resolution Esophageal Manometry (HRM)

Join us for this one-hour webinar where our knowledgeable Key Opinion Leader, Professor Ajay Kaul, will discuss anatomy and physiology of the esophagus, common indications for performing pediatric HRM studies, technique of performing pediatric HRM, and review normal and abnormal HRM tracings.

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  • Gastroenterology
High-Resolution Anorectal Manometry (HRAM)

Watch this webinar recording to enhance your knowledge of HRAM and the London Classification enabling you to improve test performance in daily clinical practice.

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  • Urodynamics
  • Urology & Urogynecology
Le bilan urodynamique et le neurologique

Ce webinaire portera sur les problèmes de stockage et de vidange lors de troubles neurologiques spécifiques et sur la façon dont l’urodynamique peut aider à diagnostiquer le patient.

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  • Esophageal Manometry
Cas Cliniques en Manométrie œsophagienne Haute Resolution – Classification de Chicago

Présentation et analyse d’examens de manométrie œsophagienne. Ce webinaire est interactif. II permet aux participants de soumettre un cas pour une interprétation en ligne avec le Professeur Gourcerol.

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High-Resolution Anorectal Manometry (HRAM)

Watch this webinar recording to enhance your knowledge of HRAM and the London Classification enabling you to improve test performance in daily clinical practice.

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Le bilan urodynamique et le neurologique

Ce webinaire portera sur les problèmes de stockage et de vidange lors de troubles neurologiques spécifiques et sur la façon dont l’urodynamique peut aider à diagnostiquer le patient.

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Cas Cliniques en Manométrie œsophagienne Haute Resolution – Classification de Chicago

Présentation et analyse d’examens de manométrie œsophagienne. Ce webinaire est interactif. II permet aux participants de soumettre un cas pour une interprétation en ligne avec le Professeur Gourcerol.

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  • URO Therapy
  • Urodynamics
  • Urology & Urogynecology
2025 ICS-ESU Joint Meeting

Come visit us at the special joint Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society and the Emirates Urological Society, taking place in vibrant Abu Dhabi in 2025.

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  • Gastroenterology
2025 JFHOD

Join us at the 2025 JFHOD at the Palais des congrès de Paris from March 20 to 23, 2025!

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  • Sep 18
2025 ICS-ESU Joint Meeting

Come visit us at the special joint Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society and the Emirates Urological Society, taking place in vibrant Abu Dhabi in 2025.

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  • Mar 20
2025 JFHOD

Join us at the 2025 JFHOD at the Palais des congrès de Paris from March 20 to 23, 2025!

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Nouvelles Tendances

Vous voulez voir comment Laborie peut répondre à vos besoins?

Chez Laborie, nous pensons que les soins de santé sont un élément essentiel de protection de la dignité humaine. Notre mission quotidienne est d’agir en tant qu’entreprise médicale spécialisée de renommée internationale qui fabrique et fait progresser des technologies qui préservent et restaurent la dignité humaine. Nous le faisons aujourd’hui en aidant les personnes atteintes de troubles pelviens et gastro-intestinaux à vivre normalement, et en aidant les mères et les bébés à avoir des accouchements en toute sécurité.

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